LSI Logic (LSI) is currently being analyzed by the brokerage firm Avian. They have just changed their rating from Positive to Neutral. This indicates that the company may not be doing as well as investors were expecting. Look for potential selling pressure or a downside move in the share price. Shares of LSI fell by 4.69% or $-0.27/share to $5.49. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $4.37 and as high as $7.74. On average, 9490540 shares of LSI exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 10244347.
Imperial Holdings (IFT) recently had their rating decreased from Outperform to Mkt Perform. FBR Capital is the brokerage firm which is currently analyzing this company and found it necessary to change their rating. This is usually a bearish sign for the stock, and this brokerage house may tell its clients to sell the stock. The share prices may fall because of this action. Analysts believe that the company's share price may begin to fall. The target price is currently set at $6 per share by the brokerage firm. Shares of IFT fell by 64.13% or $-4.04/share to $2.26. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $6.95 and as high as $11.30. On average, 130173 shares of IFT exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 6630568.
Ivanhoe Mines (IVN) recently had their rating increased from Market Perform to Outperform. BMO Capital Markets is the brokerage firm which is currently analyzing this company and found it necessary to change their rating. This is usually a bullish sign for the company's share price, as these brokerages begin to tell their clients to start buying the upgraded stock. The shares may see a continued uptrend because of this. Analysts believe that the company's share price may begin to improve. The target price is currently set at $24 per share by the brokerage firm. Shares of IVN fell by 7.73% or $-1.32/share to $15.76. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $12.55 and as high as $30.03. On average, 2290990 shares of IVN exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 2788155.
Masco (MAS) is currently being analyzed by the brokerage firm UBS. They have just changed their rating from Sell to Neutral. This indicates that the company may doing doing better than investors expect. Look for potential buying pressure or an upside move in the share price. The target price is currently set at $7 per share by the brokerage firm. Shares of MAS fell by 0.52% or $-0.0385/share to $7.34. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $7.22 and as high as $15.03. On average, 6277500 shares of MAS exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 4059814.
Imperial Holdings (IFT) is currently being analyzed by the brokerage firm Wunderlich. They have just changed their rating from Buy to Hold. This indicates that the company may not be doing as well as investors were expecting. Look for potential selling pressure or a downside move in the share price. Shares of IFT fell by 64.13% or $-4.04/share to $2.26. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $6.95 and as high as $11.30. On average, 130173 shares of IFT exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 6630568.