Among the most volatile stocks traded on May 16 were: 21Vianet Group, Inc, VirnetX Holding Corp, KiOR, Inc, Intermolecular, Inc, and Silvercorp Metals Inc. These stocks are risky as they have high volatility. Since these stocks carry a lot of risk, they will usually provide large returns. This high volatility could be caused by their business strategy or the type of sector they are in.
Shares of 21Vianet Group, Inc. (VNET) traded higher by 3.53% or $0.42/share to $12.31. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $8.31 and as high as $14.82. On average, 341140 shares of VNET exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 260423. The shares are currently trading above the 50-day moving average which indicates that the shares have been experiencing strong upward momentum as the 50 DMA is above the 200 DMA. The stock may come back down to test the 50-day moving average, so look for a move back to the $11.84 area where the stock will likely see buying pressure.
Shares of VirnetX Holding Corp (VHC) traded higher by 6.74% or $1.99/share to $31.53. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $11.02 and as high as $41.77. On average, 922250 shares of VHC exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 796641. The shares are currently trading above the 50-day moving average which indicates that the shares have been experiencing strong upward momentum as the 50 DMA is above the 200 DMA. The stock may come back down to test the 50-day moving average, so look for a move back to the $25.11 area where the stock will likely see buying pressure.
Shares of KiOR, Inc. (KIOR) traded higher by 2.67% or $0.29/share to $11.16. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $7.51 and as high as $23.85. On average, 180220 shares of KIOR exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 69503. The shares are currently trading below the 200-day moving average but above the 50-day moving average. The stock may be range bound between these two levels where the 200-day moving average of $12.67 represents resistance and the 50-day moving average of $10.43 would be an area of support.
Shares of Intermolecular, Inc. (IMI) fell by 5.63% or $-0.40/share to $6.7. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $5.01 and as high as $10.01. On average, 158850 shares of IMI exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 324870. The shares are currently trading below the 200-day moving average but above the 50-day moving average. The stock may be range bound between these two levels where the 200-day moving average of $7.65 represents resistance and the 50-day moving average of $6.35 would be an area of support.
Shares of Silvercorp Metals Inc. (SVM) traded higher by 4.56% or $0.23/share to $5.27. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $4.99 and as high as $12.00. On average, 1478260 shares of SVM exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 673065. The shares are currently trading below the 50-day and 200-day moving averages which indicates that the shares have been experiencing downward momentum. The stock may bounce back to test the 200-day moving average. Thus, you may want to pay close attention for a move up to the $6.61 area but be careful because the stock may face selling pressure at this level.