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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Burger King's Brazilian owner at heart of all-American Heinz deal, (NYSE: BKW), (NYSE: BRK-A), (NYSE: BRK-B)

At the heart of the $23 billion takeover of iconic American company H.J. Heinz Co is a low profile Brazilian group founded by a banker-turned-beer magnate.3G Capital, which teamed up with Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc for the deal, has aggressively eyed U.S. consumer companies over the last several years.The group's founder, billionaire Jorge Paulo Lemann, orchestrated the biggest cash takeover ever when Belgian-Brazilian brewer InBev bought Anheuser-Busch for $52 billion in 2008. 3G also acquired fast-food retailer Burger King Worldwide Inc in 2010 for around $3.3 billion.The firm often pays rich multiples for deals, according to sources familiar with the transactions. It paid roughly 14 times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for Heinz.

Burger King Worldwide, Inc. (Burger King Worldwide), formerly Justice Delaware Holdco Inc. Shares of BKW traded higher by 1.66% or $0.27/share to $16.58. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $12.91 and as high as $18.46. On average, 660239 shares of BKW exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 1570938.

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (Berkshire) is a holding company owning subsidiaries engaged in a number of diverse business activities. Shares of BRK-A traded higher by 1.01% or $1490.0/share to $149240.00. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $117000.00 and as high as $148562.00. On average, 73650 shares of BRK-A exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 500.

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (Berkshire) is a holding company owning subsidiaries engaged in a number of diverse business activities. Shares of BRK-B traded higher by 1.27% or $1.24/share to $99.21. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $77.98 and as high as $99.00. On average, 4489370 shares of BRK-B exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 5012949.
