Software company Bazaarvoice Inc has agreed to undo a 2012 merger with a rival that had been challenged by the U.S. government, the Justice Department said on Thursday.Austin, Texas-based Bazaarvoice, which helps companies manage online consumer reviews, will sell the PowerReviews assets it purchased two years ago to a company called Viewpoints, Bazaarvoice said in a separate release.The decision came after Bazaarvoice lost a fight with the Justice Department in January.A federal court ruled the deal was illegal under antitrust law because it could lead to one firm dominating the online product rating and review market.
Bazaarvoice, Inc., connects businesses together to amplify the authentic voices of people where they shop. Shares of BV fell by 1.73% or $-0.12/share to $6.80. In the past year, the shares have traded as low as $6.47 and as high as $11.50. On average, 536614 shares of BV exchange hands on a given day and today's volume is recorded at 436707.